
Friday, December 20, 2013

Do you want a small business?

What happens when you open a business in a recession? What happens to a business during a recession? What happens to a business that survives a recession?  All questions anyone faces when opening a business but no one really wants to answer.

You are in luck, however, because Darwin and I are here to give you the perspective of what it means to have a small business open before the hit of a major recession and the lingering after affects of that said recession.

After 5+ years, we have learned a thing or two.  Mostly a lot about ourselves, but also a lot about the gross underlings of running a business that they conveniently forget to teach you in business school.

Not everyone has had our experiences, for sure, but a lot of them ring true across the small business frontier.

Some of our stories are insane and unbelievable, some of them are funny, and some of them are just downright absurd.

Stick around and we will tell you the story of how one man decided to open a lumber company and how one girl stuck around for the roller coaster ride.


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